Career Counseling
& Career Coaching
Regardless of your age, stage of life, and personal background, we all need help occasionally rediscovering and re-orienting ourselves to find our authentic selves and true path(s). And “true paths” change over time. It’s a natural part of being human: we usually find a career starting point (usually haphazardly!), then often grow dissatisfied over time. I can help you gain clarity and move forward to a more satisfying career and personal life. And a more satisfying career is not always about more money and “moving up” – sometimes it’s about pivoting “sideways” for a while, then “up” or “down” as your spirit calls. The process is fun and exciting – and not like endless therapy sessions that feel like they lead nowhere.
Career counseling is a deeper and somewhat longer (3-5 sessions) exploration of your values, personality, skills, and interests, while career coaching is focused on more immediate issues of career success strategies, personal branding, resume and development, and strategic use of social media. I have the experience, skill set, and tools to do this with you, and have successfully seen thousands of individuals for career coaching and career counseling.
College students especially need help with career counseling, as university counseling centers often help students with job placement but not actual career counseling. Midlife career changers often have access to little or no career counseling or coaching, as career counseling and coaching are not covered by any insurance companies. Finally, those transitioning from employment to retirement often face the same dilemmas and have unique needs as they transition to their “encore” or “second life.”